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Public release of the Margin Ratio for OTC FX Margin Trades with institutional customers
 Pursuant to the provisions of the Cabinet Office ordinance on Financial Instruments Business, etc, (The Cabinet Order) when financial instrument firms conduct OTC FX Margin trades with institutional customers, they are required to take sufficient deposit to meet the condition that the margin ratio (margin amount ÷ notional amount) of the new trades executed at the time of the business day shall be equal to or higher the margin ratio calculated by the specific method described in Notice No.25 notified by the Financial Services Agency as of June 14, 2016.
 By following this notice, the Financial Futures Association of Japan (FFAJ) calculates the margin ratio and publish the margin ratio information on this site weekly. Our members can make use of this information for their OTC FX margin trades with their own institutional customers instead of calculating a forex risk assumed ratio by themselves. We believe that each currency pair's leverage data which is published together with the forex risk assumed ratio will help investors understand foreign exchange market trends. (The cabinet order went into effect on February 27, 2017. The forex risk assumed ratio with a base date older than February 17, 2017 are for reference only.)
 Price data used for this calculation is provided by CME Group Benchmark Administration Ltd. For more information on the price data, please visit CME DataMine. For more information on the calculation details, please click here.